This housing designed to have a courtyard so that the owner can feel daylight, winds and green, although it located in center Tokyo. There are garage and storage on the 1st floor and the 3rd floor has private rooms. The center of everyday life can be at the 2nd floor, which has living, dining, and kitchen. The 2nd floor has one large space providing rather open atmosphere than actual, as it locates surrounding with the courtyard.
By using Galvalume steel sheets, the exterior appearance gives impression of sharp flame as a whole. On the other hand, the wooden louvers could be of assistance of toning down the edge.
We hope a tree in the courtyard grows and will be able to provide a little peace to the owner and the city in the near future.
都市の密集地の中でも、光や風、緑を感じられるように中庭を設けた住宅。 1階を車庫と収納とし2階に生活の中心であるLDK、 3階に個室を設ける構成。 2階は一つの広い空間とし、吹抜けと対称に中庭を囲むことにより、実際の広さより、より開放的に感じられます。 外観は全体的にシャープなデザインとし、外壁はガルバリウム鋼板とし、 また木調のルーバーで、全体を少し和らげる表現としました。
This housing designed to have a courtyard so that the owner can feel daylight, winds and green, although it located in center Tokyo. There are garage and storage on the 1st floor and the 3rd floor has private rooms. The center of everyday life can be at the 2nd floor, which has living, dining, and kitchen. The 2nd floor has one large space providing rather open atmosphere than actual, as it locates surrounding with the courtyard.
By using Galvalume steel sheets, the exterior appearance gives impression of sharp flame as a whole. On the other hand, the wooden louvers could be of assistance of toning down the edge.
We hope a tree in the courtyard grows and will be able to provide a little peace to the owner and the city in the near future.